Roof Replacement: Are Your Shingles Telling You That Your Roof Is Shot?

Roofing care and maintenance are one of the things that may be not high on the priority list for some homeowners. This can largely be attributed to the fact that most people know that roofs are designed to withstand constant exposure to the changing climatic conditions without acquiring severe structural damage. Nevertheless, this does not mean that your roof will last forever. There comes a time when you may need to consider roof replacement, especially if you live in a home that is several decades old. To ensure that your structure does not stand the risk of deterioration due to a faulty roof, it is prudent to know how to spot the symptoms. These signs tend to manifest on your shingles. So how can you tell that your roof is shot?

Curling shingles

There are two main ways that your shingles can show the signs of curling. The first type of curling is cupping. With this type of damage, you will find that the edges of your shingles have started to turn upward. The second type of curling is clawing, whereby the edges of the shingles will remain flat but you will find the middle has begun to rise up.

Both these types of curling would be indicative of severe weathering of your roofing. Leaving them in this state would pose the risk of leaks developing in your roof. Thus, it would be prudent to opt for roof replacement before your residence is compromised.

Missing shingles

For some people, the appearance of a few missing shingles does not make them consider urgent roof replacement. Instead, they may assume that it is simply a matter of replacing them. What they are not bearing in mind is that matching the colour of your original shingles can be quite difficult as granule colours have significantly changed over the years. Moreover, the overall colour of your shingles will also change due to weathering.

It should also be noted that replacing a few shingles here and there does not address the fact that all the shingles are probably deteriorating, which makes it a matter of time before you will notice other missing shingles. This can result in increasingly expensive repairs. Therefore, signs of missing shingles should make you consider getting a second opinion from a roofer. These professionals would have the experience to advise you on whether you require full replacement of your current shingles.
